Basic Lotion and Crème' Making Recipe

Copyright Deborah R. Dolen

These are very important articles for those who cannot find fragrance free lotion.  These simple instructions give you a Bath and Body Works type lotion.

Mastering lotion making is probably the most rewarding in all of the toiletry products.  One reason it is, beyond soap, one of the most used. Making lotion has also been one of the few areas I consistently failed at until I read a simple article one night.  I did not believe it could be that easy and was about to trash the instructions.  I just saw no complicated ingredients.  Then decided to give making lotion one more chance.  I have always like the Bath and Body works sweet almond oil based products, but they can be $10 a tube.  You can make your own for under $2 including a nice reusable bottle.  Other sources seem to sell inferior non-oil based lotion, or worse, with mineral oil and alcohol!

My recipes and techniques have been updated for 2010.  Please click here for the new lotion and creme methods and recipes.

Making Lotion     More Lotion Making Notes

